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Bobby Sheehan

Bobby Sheehan is a NYC based standup comedian, history buff, and generous lover. 

American History Sex

American History Sex is an informative, raunchy, and occasionally wholesome comedy show in which comedian Bobby Sheehan combines his three passions: America, history, and sex. He seeks to answer the question “How soon into a first date should I bring up how much I know about the American Civil War?”

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Meet Bobby.

Bobby Sheehan is a NYC based standup comedian, history buff, and generous lover.

He performs at The Stand in NYC, clubs and colleges across the U.S., and in the summer of 2023, he toured across the U.K.

He’s brought his unique brand of R-rated U.S. history material to the New York Comedy Festival, the Lookout Comedy Festival, and Philly Theatre Week.

This summer, he is bringing his show “American History Sex” to Scotland for his Edinburgh Fringe Festival debut!

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